University of Arizona Fred Fox School of Music
Marissa Olegario, host
Exhibit Hall Schedule
Note: Exhibits will be closed from 1:00pm to 2:00pm on January 6th and 7th
Visit-a-Vendor Raffle
Win prizes from our exhibitors!
Visit-a-Vendor in the exhibit hall
Receive a raffle ticket from vendor
Fill out and place ticket in raffle bowl at the entry of the exhibit hall
No limit on entries
Must be registered for the Meg Quigley Bassoon Symposium to enter
Must be present for the drawing at the Awards Banquet, sponsored by Fox Products Corporation, to receive prizes.
One Visit-a-Vendor prize per person. Prize you are drawn for first will be the prize you receive.
Grand Prize:
2 ACDC contrabassoon Reeds
1 ACDC wrapped blackwing pencil
A pack of ACDC greeting cards
2 ACDC bassoon reed prints
$100 Barton Cane gift certificate
Blue Moon Bassoon Bag
$50 Chemical City Double Reeds Gift Certificate
1 Jiffy Pro or Student Bassoon Reed
1 beeswax cake from Kassandra Bassoon LLC
KJI Reed Making System
1 Miller Marketing Stuffed Dog “Rudi” and 1 Miller marketing stuffed Moose “Moos”
1 Nielsen Bocal Supply Wood Bocal Box
Gold Prize:
2 ACDC bassoon reeds
1 blackwing pencil
$100 Barton Cane Gift Certificate
Blue Moon Stickers
1 Miller Marketing Stuffed Dog “Rudi” and 1 Miller marketing stuffed Moose “Moos”
1 Chiarugi bassoon or contrabassoon reed case from Chemical City Double Reeds
Silver Prize:
1 ACDC blackwing pencil
$100 Barton Cane Gift Certificate
1 KassandraBassoon LLC Sticker bundle
1 Miller Marketing Stuffed Dog “Rudi” and 1 Miller Marketing stuffed Moose “Moos”
Bronze Prize:
1 ACDC blackwing pencil
1 Miller Marketing Stuffed Dog “Rudi” and 1 Miller marketing stuffed Moose “Moos"