Life in the early 19th century was shrouded with the social norm of male dominance through religion, politics, and family structures. This made making a career in classical music difficult for women, making Emilie Mayer an important figure to be recognized today. In Rachel Fredericksen’s Meg Talk, she will be describing Mayer’s life and contributions to German, Romantic music, particularly, through her violin sonata. Listeners will also be able to hear a movement of the transcription and the musical decisions that went into creating a new way of honoring Emilie Mayer’s music.
Yoon Joo Hwang examines issues of gender, tradition, and power as they relate to East Asian Women Classical musicians.
Rocio Yllescas Jacobo’s "Reviving our identity" is a production that intentionally affirms life and connects with what she represents: bassoonist and Mexican. A new visual and auditory experience of pieces created by contemporary Mexican composers who use the extended technique with electronics or percussion. Videos that mix music with images of emblematic places linked to Mexican traditions and customs, honoring each composer. The goal is being a bridge of communication and creation, between him, his work and the public. These videos are possible thanks to the sponsorship of the System of Supports for Creation and Cultural Projects of Mexico (FONCA).
¨Reavivando nuestra identidad¨ una producción que intencionalmente afirma la vida y conecta con lo que represento: fagotista y mexicana. Una nueva forma de experimentar visual y auditivamente piezas creadas por compositores mexicanos contemporáneos que utilizan la técnica extendida con sonidos electrónicos o percusiones. Videos que fusionan la música con imágenes de lugares emblemáticos ligados a tradiciones y costumbres mexicanas, homenajeando a cada compositor. La meta es ser un puente de comunicación y creación, entre él, su obra y el público. Es posible gracias al estímulo del Sistema de apoyos a la creación y proyectos culturales de México (FONCA).
2:00pm EST/11:00pm PST (90 minutes) Click here to join the zoom meeting