Bassoon Symposium

Meg Quigley Vivaldi Competition Final Round (Sandra Vieira Ribeiro and Laressa Winters)

Meg Quigley Vivaldi Competition Final Round (Sandra Vieira Ribeiro and Laressa Winters)

Just as Meg Quigley was the first music competition worldwide to incorporate speaking from the stage, we are now cutting-edge in incorporating a multimedia format into the final round of our Vivaldi competition. Our ten finalists will display their artistry in videos that incorporate other art forms such as poetry, photography, drama, dance, and visual art.
2:00pm EST/11:00am PST (60 minutes)
Click here to watch Sandra and Laressa’s competition videos

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College Fair

College Fair

Welcome to our college fair, hosted by Evelyn Coffey! Virtually visit professors and admissions teams from conservatories, colleges, and universities from across the United States. Make connections and find out what each school has to offer! Every school you visit will enter you in a grand prize drawing for a Marcus Bonna bocal case and other great prizes from our sponsors. Open to registered high school and undergraduate bassoonists.
1:00pm EST/10:00am PST (60 minutes)
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Coffee Talk: Understanding Performance Anxiety: An In-Depth Look at Identity, Gender, & Adrenaline by Kate MacKenzie

Coffee Talk: Understanding Performance Anxiety: An In-Depth Look at Identity, Gender, & Adrenaline by Kate MacKenzie

When we discuss performance anxiety, we are really discussing the body’s response to adrenaline. Physiology, past experiences, and identity are all factors that contribute to each person’s unique physical response to adrenaline being released into the bloodstream. This presentation will cover research on adrenaline and the complex physical and mental manifestations associated with it, along with possible coping mechanisms and gender identity’s possible correlation to how performance anxiety is experienced.
10:30am EST/7:30am PST (60 minutes)
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Reed-Making Party with Nadina Mackie Jackson

Reed-Making Party with Nadina Mackie Jackson

In this virtual reed room, host Nadina Mackie Jackson will demonstrate and answer questions about the freehand process of shaping and profiling. Work at your own pace in your own style; reed making parties are a time to be social and enjoy community with each other. For more information about Nadina and the freehand method, please visit her YouTube Channel or her book. This event is generously sponsored by Capitol Cane.
6:30pm EST/3:30pm PST (60 minutes)
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Meg Quigley Vivaldi Competition Final Round (Tatia Slouka and Quincey Trojanowski)

Meg Quigley Vivaldi Competition Final Round (Tatia Slouka and Quincey Trojanowski)

Just as Meg Quigley was the first music competition worldwide to incorporate speaking from the stage, we are now cutting-edge in incorporating a multimedia format into the final round of our Vivaldi competition. Our ten finalists will display their artistry in videos that incorporate other art forms such as poetry, photography, drama, dance, and visual art.
2:00pm EST/11:00am PST (60 minutes)
Click here to watch Tatia and Quincey’s competition videos

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Vendor Presentation: Forrests

Vendor Presentation: Forrests

Just because this symposium is virtual doesn’t mean you have to miss out on the fun of browsing the exhibit hall! Watch presentations by our vendors to learn more about their company, products, and services! This session will feature a presentation by Forrests!
1:00pm EST/10:00am PST (60 minutes)
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Andrew Burn Masterclass: 18th and Early-19th Century Ornamenting and Embellishing Practices

Andrew Burn Masterclass: 18th and Early-19th Century Ornamenting and Embellishing Practices

This masterclass will focus on repertoire from the high baroque and classical periods through the lens of two of the most important bassoon resources of this time: Johann Joachim Quantz’s “On Playing the Flute”, and Étienne Ozi’s “Method for Bassoon”. Participants will examine ways to further embellish pre-composed melodies by way of a guided improvisation where participants devise embellishments informed by the treatises.
11:30am EST/8:30am PST (90 minutes)
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Coffee Talk: Beyond the Stage: Avenues for Societal Relevance by Margaret Phillips

Coffee Talk: Beyond the Stage: Avenues for Societal Relevance by Margaret Phillips

This session features a presentation by Margaret Phillips about how her work off the stage has gone beyond performing as entertainment, to places where playing has taken on new meaning. She will outline how we as musicians must understand the power of our language and its essential applications from homeless shelters to recovery programs, from food lines to hospice. Philips will also share her experiences as a Certified Music Practitioner in training and talk about the applications of playing for specific patient conditions.
10:30am EST/7:30am PST (60 minutes)
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Yoga Nidra Class with Veronica Wells

Yoga Nidra Class with Veronica Wells

“Nidra” means “sleep.” In this guided meditation we incrementally relax different parts of our bodies while our minds stay awake. In this deep state of relaxed awareness, we can let go of stress and set powerful intentions. Bring a pillow, blanket, and anything else that will help you lay down comfortably for 45 minutes.
10:30am EST/7:30am PST (60 minutes)
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Happy Hour Hangout

Happy Hour Hangout

Hangouts are times to be social, learn, and geek out together as a bassoon community. Co-hosted by Jessica Findley Yang and John Steinmetz, “Happy Hour Hangouts” are less-structured chats that will allow for free-flowing conversation, breakout rooms, etc. This event is generously sponsored by RDG Woodwinds.
6:45pm EST/3:45pm PST (60 minutes)
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Meg Quigley Vivaldi Competition Final Round (Julianne Mulvey and Thalia Navas)

Meg Quigley Vivaldi Competition Final Round (Julianne Mulvey and Thalia Navas)

Just as Meg Quigley was the first music competition worldwide to incorporate speaking from the stage, we are now cutting-edge in incorporating a multimedia format into the final round of our Vivaldi competition. Our ten finalists will display their artistry in videos that incorporate other art forms such as poetry, photography, drama, dance, and visual art.
2:00pm EST/11:00am PST (60 minutes)
Click here to watch Julianne and Thalia’s competition videos

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Visit-a-Vendor: Capitol Cane, Forrests, Happy Haley Co., and RDG Woodwinds

Visit-a-Vendor: Capitol Cane, Forrests, Happy Haley Co., and RDG Woodwinds

Just because this symposium is virtual doesn’t mean you have to miss out on the fun of browsing the exhibit hall! Visit our dedicated vendor rooms to interact in real time with your favorite companies and learn more about the products and services they offer! This session will feature virtual booths by Capitol Cane, Forrests, Happy Haley Co., and RDG Woodwinds!
1:00pm EST/10:00am PST (60 minutes)
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Meg Talks: Fernando Zúñiga-Chanto, Catherine Carignan, and Sasha Gee Enegren

Meg Talks: Fernando Zúñiga-Chanto, Catherine Carignan, and Sasha Gee Enegren

  • Towards the Introduction of Electric Bassoon in a School Curriculum

  • Women Composers in Brazilian Music for Bassoon: an Overview and Proposal for Visibility and Sustainability

  • Presentation and discussion of database: Woodwind Quintets written by South and Central American composers.

In these “Meg Talks” Fernando Zúñiga-Chanto presents a new approach to bassoon teaching in a pre-college and college level curriculum that includes an introduction to electric bassoon and its possibilities; Catherine Carignan proposes that by engaging women composers, bassoonists, teachers and students in safe spaces, new learning, composing and performing processes will be developed; and Sasha Gee Enegren reveals a database of quintet music by South and Central American composers.
11:30am EST/8:30am PST (90 minutes)
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Meg Quigley Vivaldi Competition Final Round (Lauren Henning and Rachael Lee)

Meg Quigley Vivaldi Competition Final Round (Lauren Henning and Rachael Lee)

Just as Meg Quigley was the first music competition worldwide to incorporate speaking from the stage, we are now cutting-edge in incorporating a multimedia format into the final round of our Vivaldi competition. Our ten finalists will display their artistry in videos that incorporate other art forms such as poetry, photography, drama, dance, and visual art.
2:00pm EST/11:00am PST (60 minutes)
Click here to watch Lauren and Rachael’s competition videos

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Vendor Presentation: Midwest Musical Imports

Vendor Presentation: Midwest Musical Imports

Just because this symposium is virtual doesn’t mean you have to miss out on the fun of browsing the exhibit hall! Watch presentations by our vendors to learn more about their company, products, and services! This session will feature a presentation by Midwest Musical Imports!
1:00pm EST/10:00am PST (60 minutes)
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Glenn Einschlag: Finger breaths, Breathing bags, and Breath Builders

Glenn Einschlag: Finger breaths, Breathing bags, and Breath Builders

Flutist and breathing pedagogue Keith Underwood has helped many musicians improve their playing through exercises that increase physical awareness. Bassoonist Glenn Einshlag has adapted this approach to breathing and breath analysis to the bassoon and created a curriculum of exercises that utilizes finger breaths, breath builders, and breathing bags that can help troubleshoot inefficiencies in breathing, air pressurization, tone production, and overall physical inhibitions while playing the bassoon.
12:00pm EST/9:00am PST (60 minutes)
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Coffee Talk: The Continuum of Engagement For Musicians by Staci Spring

Coffee Talk: The Continuum of Engagement For Musicians by Staci Spring

Join Staci Spring for a discussion on the relationship of musicians to their audiences and communities. This talk explores current practices, opportunities, and resources in the bassoon field related to artistic citizenship, community engagement, and the field of teaching artistry, with the intent to broaden the perspective of the skills and roles of professional musicians. How are bassoonists doing as a field in addressing the imperatives of community engagement and artistic citizenship? How might we continue to grow in this effort? What resources are available for students and professionals related to arts advocacy, artistic citizenship, and arts education to help them navigate both the traditional and broadening options for career paths in music? How might we explore more collaborative ways to engage with our communities – ways that value their perspectives? Bring your ideas, experiences, and your morning beverage of choice!
10:30am EST/7:30am PST (60 minutes)
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Gentle Stretch and Restorative Yoga Class with Jenni Brandon

Gentle Stretch and Restorative Yoga Class with Jenni Brandon

Renew and restore in this gentle yoga class. You’ll breathe, stretch, meditate, and ground yourself to start your day off just right. We’ll use props such as blankets, strap (or belt or scarf) to support opening the body safely and gently. A great class for everyone and a great way to get us grounded and focused for the day ahead.
10:30am EST/7:30am PST (60 minutes)
Click here to join the zoom meeting

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